Chapter 1: It Starts with...

 It starts with 3 business ideas, or so says my Professor.

In my first entrepreneurship class, the Professor tells everyone to blog about 3 business ideas that they can come up with. The purpose? I suppose to get the brain juices flowing, get the ideas rolling, fire up the cylinders as they say. Thinking on fly, I wrote down my thoughts of three business ideas:

3D printing and laser cutting makerspace
A Cafe / Library
A PC troubleshoot and guidance service

Additionally to these three, I thought I could also provide classes in 3D printing and provide services to those who need it.

Creating ideas was simple, but working towards actionable goals was going to be much harder down the line. With the 3D printing business, I could set up a small 3D printing farm and invite consumers to come in and print whatever they wanted. I could offer classes to students and consumers on how to 3D print, or even provide troubleshooting courses in the difficulties of 3D printing.

The cafe/library idea was cute, but not very unique. I had to expand this idea into what it would actually do, or the core business idea of what I was thinking. I expanded into areas such as a fully functioning library (IE rent a book, take home a book, return a book, sit and read a book) all while enjoying some coffee and food. Best of both worlds right? 

A PC guidance service that helps users seek help and guidance from a professional team. This could be remote services, physical services, or even digital control services through a PC. Seems simple on paper, but could require more complex needs for the business overall.

These could all be classified as good starting ideas. Ideas that have found a potential market, a hot topic in todays culture/climate, and something others could be interested in. What I have found is that even if my ideas are naive in nature, the ability to create an idea that fits well with todays current issues, puts me ahead of most that haven't even written a word down.

So my noobs in business, start writing your ideas down now, and follow along my adventure into the business world as a noob.


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